Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Been busy!

Since I was last here I took an online course on Internet searching (advanced type of thing), attended a webinar on academic cell phone uses, took a workshop on the Illinois school library standards (ISail), read loads of professional writing in loads of forms, had several committee meetings, and kept reading novels for my LTC. A great deal of this personal learning was due to my PLN, not to be redundant. So, I did not get a chance to post to this blog.
All this leads me to believe that keeping up with our profession these days is not for the faint of heart. Anyone who thinks that teachers have their summers off, has not been around any lately. I suppose if you are in the business of training lifelong learning, you are in need of doing some yourself. What the heck! Keeps ya young!

So this is not a total waste of reading, if you have not yet added this blog to your RSS reader you should consider it: